Thursday, January 8, 2009

Attitude Statement of SORAK (People's Solidarity for Justice)

Pekanbaru, December 30, 2008

Attitude Statement of SORAK (People's Solidarity for Justice)

Tax: B/PS-SORAK/XII-08/02


Greeting Freedom
Attacking to the farmers of Dusun Suluk Bongkal be a murdered to a people movement and be reflection of the rotten government that have been evident in the overt side of capital, with the support by the armed forces to be shielded from the power of the anti-people and protecting assets of foreign-asset wealth of the nation and to exploitation on large-scale above poverty on people.

Violence against farmers in the Dusun Suluk Bongkal by local police of Riau have proved their real face without thinking for long to human slaughter, and as a high-interest to the capitalism, the arrogant attitudes of KAPOLDA RIAU make us to extra carefully, because is not possible on the next his arrogant attitude could be trounce all movement of people from all sectors, be it farmers, laborers, the poor of the city and also students.

We need to explain the tragedy on December 18, 2008 at 10:00 AM be a mass slaughter which do by the troops Polda Riau Brimob, Samapta, PP Satpol, civilian who paid totally about thousands of people and directly led by Direskrim Polda Riau Kombes. Alex Mandalika, equipped with weapons (stick and firearm) and the water cannon and 2 helicopters who with stranger to drop explosives on citizen’s houses till burn and fired, this event swallow victim died 1 people (daughter aged 2.5 years) who panic when the collision and fall down into the wells, and indicated there are still victims of the soul, a pregnant mother got kick and bleeding, dozens of people injured and exposed to fire staggered, 2 people experiencing serious depression, one of them does not want to eat, ram's his to the wall and doesn't want to open his eyes, 76 people has catch and imprisoned without a clear legal certainty, hundreds of people experiencing trauma and fear and loss of material.

This is a serious human rights violations and surprising the world so that broadcast radio Germany preach that amnesty international has issued a statement that the government of Indonesia to immediately investigate the incident on the assault and breach of human rights more than 400 farmers in the Pinggir Sub district.

National Commission on Human Right (Komnas HAM) has came to that area to see about all rubble of a house burned, confirming that there has been violation of human rights and KAPOLDA Riau must be get a high punishment for this tragic humanity tragedy.

We need to explains that accusations from PT. Arara Abadi who said that Dusun Suluk Bongkal is an area of Rights control Plantation Forest Industry (HPHTI) PT. Arara Abadi is NOT TRUE, because the administrative Dusun Suluk Bongkal is a legal settlement based on the administrative map of Dusun Suluk Bongkal signed by Regent of Bengkalis on March 12, 2007 which covering 4586 ha (in the Government of Bengkalis District no. 0817-22 0817 -- 31.0618-54 0616 63). That land is obliged to remove from the area of Rights of Forest Plantation Industry (HPHTI) and the company is not entitled to use that land, especially to drive out people with force.
Not enough to do with the slaughter of the farmers, KAPOLDA Riau with the KAJATI Riau back boosted by recent policies that damaged the company's tie up 13 cases of illegal logging, the previous November 2008, Kapolda Riau has issued a statement in the mass media that will not do SP3 (Letters Termination command inspection) against to companies suspected of doing illegal activities of logging or forest. Previously, the replacement of Kapolda Riau Sutjiptadi to Hadiatmoko also with says will soon complete the cases of crimes in Riau forestry not until 100 days since the beginning of the work in the province of Riau. But there all only promise which not doing by the KAPOLDA.
There has been damage to forests in Riau where has knowledgeable around year 2005-2006 reached 200,000 hectares. That Damage has triggered the occurrence of a flood that has hurt residents in the nine districts and cities in the province of Riau, forest fires and land which resulted in 7,608 children affected by diseases such as respiration in 2005. Not to release the carbon dioxide emissions resulting from deforestation in Riau is 58% from the level of Australia's annual emissions, or 39% of the total annual UK emissions, and higher than the total annual emissions of Netherlands. Locals people enjoy the only area of 0.46 hectares of land / Head of Family (KK) because of the natural wealth in Riau have owned by powers capital.
At least 172,000 hectares FOREST IN RIAU will face destruction from deforestation, because the 13 companies that allegedly committed crimes are on FORESTRY NATURAL FOREST which still good and have HIGH POTENCY OF COMMERCIAL WOOD. Referring to the plan use of Riau (Regulation 10/1994), the area where the thirteenth company to operate in the zone is located to the allotment as a protected area. Worse, thirteenth companies operating in the area of peat land that has an important role in government efforts to control emissions of carbon dioxide from the soil drying and deforestation of peat land.

This SP3 will be a door opener for the increased intensity of natural forest denudation (deforestation), as well as stimulate the new license-permit for HTI and RKT (Annual Plan) for the license-permit HTI who are on peat land area and the forest area that still productive.


Forestry crimes must be combating because it will cause a loss of society and threaten the safety of Riau.
DO ENFORCEMENT LAW FOR SP3 (Letters Termination command inspection) .......!!!!
Caused there is not responsive from the people who sit in the House of Representatives, national both and local levels, to the suffering of the people Riau, We invites the public aware to human rights, get normal life and healthy.

For that We are People's Solidarity for Justice (SORAK) demanded:

1. Catching, and bring to court with a high punishment KAPOLDA Riau, FIRED OFF HEAD of RIAU POLICE DEPARTMENT (KAPOLDA RIAU), HEAD of RIAU ATTORNEY (KAJATI) for Mass slaughter Farmers Dusun Suluk Bongkal Unplug freezing 13 cases of illegal loging company.
2. Free 76 farmers Dusun Suluk Bongkal NOW ..!
3. Immediately bring to court all forestry crimes who directly or indirectly have riau torment people, including the right to request and questioned the Sinarmas and APRIL for damage on the forest extraordinary in Indonesia specially in riau.
4. Return the land to the people, Go out PT. Arara Abadi now, because it has grab people's land and manipulate for slaughter farmers in Dusun Suluk Bongkal.
5. Immediately the moratorium (pause) deforestation to take the distance that can be done clear and improving governance through the forest inventory and verification of the license in the province of land-based riau.
6. Pull all the police forces from the conflict area, STOP intimidation against farmers and safely return the situation to the public.
7. Especially for the Ministry of Forestry, the Ministry of Finance, and the National Development Planning Agency To Conduct Audit Immediately comprehensive Against Paper Industry (Pulp and Paper) Existing general in Indonesia and specially in Riau .

People's Solidarity for Justice (SORAK) :
Sukarelawan Perjuangan Rakyat Untuk Pembebasan Tanah Air(SPARTAN), Syarikat Hijau Indonesia(SHI), Wahana Lingkungan Hidup(WALHI), Kontras, Liga Mahasiswa Nasional Untuk Demokrasi(LMND), Konsorsium Pembaruan Agraria(KPA), Front Nasional Perjuangan Buruh Indonesia(FNPBI), Serikat Rakyat Miskin Indonesia(SRMI), Serikat Tani Riau(STR), Serikat Pengacara Rakyat(SPR), Kantor Bantuan Hukum(KBH) Riau, LBH-YPBHI Pekanbaru, Jaringan Rakyat Penyelamat Hutan Riau(JIKALAHARI), Kelompok Advokasi Riau(KAR), Ikatan Pelajar Mahasiswa Ke. Bengkalis(INPERALIS) Pekanbaru, Serikat Mahasiswa Riau(SEMAR), Serikat Pedagang Kaki Lima Pekanbaru(SPKLP), Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam-Majelis Penyelamat Organisasi(HMI-MPO), BRIGADE, ISMAHI, IBMTR, HIMAKRI, HIMAWAN, HIMAPI, HMD Rohil, BAMPER, BEM FISIPOL UIR, BEM Hukum UIR, BEM AMIK Riau, SJARI, KABUT RIAU, KPA EMC2,HMJ Kriminologi UIR, HMJ IP UIR

Polda Riau (Riau Police Departement) to Dismissal Investigations (SP3) Case of 13 Illegal Looging Company

December 23, 2008
PEKANBARU - Investigations Case for nearly 2 years to 13 companies in Riau which indicated involved the illegal logging is stopped. This is caused Polda Riau and Riau Attorney (Kejati) issued a letter to Dismissal Investigation (SP3).

According to the Polda Riau, the decision to stop the investigation of 13 companies, because the government did not have enough evidence beside the document of investigatios has repeatedly to be the prosecutor, but they give back to the police.

Before, this case has dragged previous 14 woods companies which owned by two giant pulp companies, namely PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (RAPP) and PT. Indah KIAT Pulp and Paper (IKPP). Stopped the investigation after consultation with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Depertement if that’s all company does not violate of permits and environmental destructions.

All 13 company's group on PT. IKPP such as PT Arara Abadi, PT Bina Duta Laksana (BDL) PT Rimba Mandau Lestari (RML), PT Ruas Utama Jaya.

Meanwhile, mainstay of PT Riau Pulp and paper, such as PT Madukoro, PT Merbau Pelalawan Lestari (MPL), PT Nusa Prima Manunggal (NPM), PT Bukit Indah Batubuh Sei (BBSI), PT Citra Sumber Sejahtera (CSS), and PT Mitra Kembang Selaras (MKS),

"We do SP3 on 13 comapnies because thay has lees of evidence,and while the Ministry of the Environment stated there is no evidence of destructions, while 13 companies from the Forestry Departement has the legal permission. The two institutions are our expert witnesses in the case of 13 companies," said Head office of Police Departement of Riau (Kapolda) Brigjen Hadiatmoko.

Kapolda explained that one company joint company of PT IKPP which named PT Utama Jaya (RUJ) that does not have permission. "For this company we will continue the investigations," Kapolda said.

Meanwhile, at the same time, Attorney General Head of Riau, Suroso said that element of verification in the case 13 companies’s tools cases they has of weak evidence. "All Evidence is not strong, It can be stop (SP3)," said Suroso.

In 2007 when Sutjiptadi as Riau Kapolda at the time incentive to do combating of illegal logging, hundreds of suspects and thousands cubic of timber forest crime confiscated by the police. In fact, around February 2007 National Police Departement also took over the case of illegal logging in Riau and set 14 companies as suspicious.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Farmers Agrarian Conflict Riau Vs PT Arara Abadi, Causes the Victims of Life

One case involves a conflict of Agrarian Dispute with farmers and police in the other hand, occur again in the Bengkalis district Riau, with the only clear case to extend the list of Agrarian conflict in the country. The case occurred on December 18, 2008

An incident was the trigger when more than 500 troops Mobile Brigade of Riau Police Departement (Polda Riau) with Samapta troops and police armed of Bengkalis Resort using stick , fire Weapon and equipped with Water canon pushed enter the settlement residents. Association officials are directly Lead by Direskrim Polda Riau Kombes Alex Mandalika, perform operations in the form of action to ejectment Of Dusun Suluk Bongkal, as village residents are deemed to annexation of the area HPHTI (Rights control Plantation Forest Industry) of PT. Arara Abadi (APP Groups)

For that action all villager trying to defend themselves by blocking roads access into the village. Other efforts in the form of negotiations with the police who also served in the conducted by the local community leaders, Negotiations that led directly by the head of Dusun Suluk Bongkal, and the Khalifah Ismail and side by lead of STR (Riau Farmer Asociation) Riza Zuhelmi in the aim to ask the basic letter the operation in pursuit of the police action in this village. Because according to the source what we get from citizens, that Dusun Suluk Bongkal based on the administrative map of 4856 in the Ha sign by Regent of Bengkalis 12 March 2007 is legal as in a sheet Pemda Bengkalis by No. 0817-22-0817-31.0618-54 0616 63.

However, police there answers, "We just do mandate.." Get answers that are less satisfactory that the residents called on police not to take repressive action against to the villager of Dusun Suluk Bongkal. Therefore, contrary to the law, First Command No official letter from the police departement and the second, there is no decision of the court issued the execution.

Finally hose around it and then at 11:30 the police try to cut back rows of the mother and mother-child who stand in the way of entry. The clash can not be avoided, in the incident that took Lead of STR Riza Zuhelmy enter by force to a police car. But Finally Riza successfully delivered later in the evacuation to the village.

Seeing that police repression is also more brutally with the beat, kick and shoot demontran by rubber bullet and tear gas towards citizens, the police also to arrest the mothers, so all villagers being mess, at least 2 people affected by stroke. Brutally action by officer, not just stop there until the police to send a helicopter to search people who get run to the forest. Police conducted a search with a helicopter taking action with arogan throw explosives at the top of the home residents are torn loud explosion and followed with fire going burn resident’s home. In the event that has also been the victim died 1 people (child girls, age 2 years)

Until this news we revealed on Monday 22 December 2008 the effort does not stop the struggle of farmers in demanding justice. Dusun Suluk Bongkal residents Riau also bring this case to the Komnas HAM (National Commission of Human Rights) in Jakarta. The response of the Komnas HAM represent by the Vice Chairman of the Komnas HAM Ridha Saleh says, "We will soon undertake in the field and will take steps to ask the Police Departement of RIAU especially in the handling of Agrarian cases not to do with repressive ways," he said.

Source in Indonesian text: